Wedding Rentals

Low-cost, fun, rewarding & profitable. A wedding rental business is the perfect way to start your entrepreneurial journey.

Everything you need to know, explained in our helpful wedding rental video.

Jim Mariano, President of Recipi, takes you through everything you need to know about starting your own wedding ceremony rental business. Take a few minutes to learn how you could start your own fun, profitable rental business today!

Wedding ceremony rentals typically include:

  • wedding arches or chuppahs

  • chairs for ceremony

  • decor (lanterns, whiskey barrels, etc)

  • microphone & speaker

Wedding rentals are the perfect way to enter the rental industry as a new entrepreneur. This business concept has a low start-up cost, requires very little storage, transportation and labor.

Why we love this business concept:

  • 80% of wedding ceremonies now happen outside of the religious building. Church / synagogue wedding are declining rapidly.

  • Typically requires same-day setup and removal. Larger rental businesses don’t want to service these type of events are they would have to leave employees on the clock all day. As an owner-operator, you can simply setup in morning, then go back later that day and take down.

  • Building wedding arches & chuppahs requires some craftsmanship so customers cant / don’t want to do it themselves.

  • This is the PERFECT business for those who don’t want to get involved in heavy labor. Setting up wedding arches, chairs and decor isn’t as physically demanding as tent rentals, bounce house rentals, or other rental businesses that involve serious heavy labor.

  • Most of our new wedding rental business customers are women or husband / wife teams.